Posts Tagged ‘Shawshank Redemption’

Shawshank Redemption (1-0) vs. Citizen Kane (1-0)

I don’t know why I do this to myself. We just got back and I’m already making myself pick between 2 of the best dramas of all time. You know what? I’m going to vote for Shawshank and here’s why:

1. By comparison, it gets so little credit, I think it needs some love.
2. This is a modern movie blog and Shawshank is a modern movie classic.
3. I haven’t seen Citizen Kane on TV in years. Thats a good point, I’d say.
4. Crying.
5. I think you all are going to vote for Citizen, so I’m voting against you!

Who you got? It’s a tough fight, I know, but I NEED YOUR VOTES!!!!

Shawshank Redemption: 9.2
The Dark Knight: 9

It’s intersting to think about a super hero movie as a “crime movie”. I mean, in just about every case, I’d say that’s technically true, but it never really dawns on me. Fightin’ Crime. That’s Batman’s job.

Contrarily, I’m very interested in the idea of Shawshank being a “crime” movie. I guess there’s a level to which that’s true, but the reality is that its far more of a drama than it is a mystery or crime movie. I can see how those aspects are included, I mean, it takes place in a jail, but its not about the crime or about crime. These movies are on similar levels for me, and therefore Dark Knight being in the genre better gives it the nod for me. You?