Posts Tagged ‘Slumdog Millionaire’

Slumdog Millionaire: 8.2
Amelie: 8.5

I mean I’ll be perfectly honest, these are both really great romance movies, but I think that people forget that Slumdog is a romance. I think when it comes to people’s minds, oh I don’t know, they just think its about India or something. And then I’m all like, “no it’s not. Its about lifelong love.” but then the people are like “wait. Doesn’t the kid fall into poop at one point?”

Game. Set. Match.

Amelie does not have someone falling into poop. Thats enough to be a better romance right there. But it doesn’t need that. Amelie is surely more about a unique character examination than anything else, but it does do a great job at showing a wonderful blossoming love affair. I think the ending is so romantic i can barely stand it. Audrey Tattou is so beautiful I cant help but let her win.

Do you agree?

I can’t remember precisely what happened; sometime ago I went on a fit of wanting to watch every and all Danny Boyle movies, even though I had already seen them all. I got Netflix to send me all of them that I didnt have and watched those that I did in quick time. 28 Days Later, followed by Sunshine, followed by Trainspotting, followed by Slumdog Millionaire. Hell, I even think The Beach made it in there somewhere.

But somehow or another in this mix, Millions got pushed back and never arrived in the comfy confines of my home. And I really like Millions (or at least I thought I did). What happened? Was I disrespecting this movie? Was it that this little cutesy british family film did not quite stack up against the other movies in the Boyle Filmography?

Millions v 28 Days Later: I think Millions has a lot of things that 28 Days doesnt. It has a moral, a reason for the story to be told. Millions has a moving story for that matter. EMOTIONS people! Plus, isn’t it a little easy to impress with a badass zombie movie? Well, I mean… thats a clever argument, but I still like 28 Days Later better.

Millions v Trainspotting: Should a movie really be allowed to stand on camera tricks and heavy stylization? Millions doesnt need all that. Its still got the Boyle “touch” but it’s easy to have an interesting story when you are working from such great source material. Furthermore, where is the morality in a bunch of grifting drugsters wandering the streets? …that being said… I still love Trainspotting more.

Millions v Slumdog Millionaire: Hmmm, interesting trend here. Movies about millions. Thats an interesting aspect of Boyle’s films. The underlying struggle of the classes in a world that is obsessed with money. I’d say that it was a bit of a cheap shot to go with the indian movie phenomenon and try to win a whole culture. Millions has a kid that loves saints. Thats not going to appeal to anyone and yet its still a good movie. However… I still love Slumdog more.

Millions v 127 Hours Ok, maybe this is a little bit better of a fight. Morality tales. Tales of growth and learning. Millions could claim to be a better movie by having the same stuggles, growth and change without having to resort to me seeing a guy cut his own arm off (spoiler!). But nah… 127 Hours is better.

Dang. This really is my least favorite Boyle movie.

Oh… except I forgot A Life Less Ordinary and The Beach… Maybe another time.