Posts Tagged ‘Super 8’

July is going to be a berry berry good month for me and my Movie going. I haven’t been to the theatre a lot since moving here to NY mostly because it be EXPENSIVE! That aside… All the super hero movies! X-Men, Thor, Green Lantern, Captain America! I’m halfway through these and I’m pretty happy so far…

But none as excited as I was for Super 8. How excited was I for the non-super-hero Super 8? Let me count the ways.

1. JJ Abrams
Dude is tops. I can do a list of the things I love about JJ Abrams! I think I will!
7. Mission Impossible 3 – I don’t care if TCruise is craycray, this movie rules.
6. Alias – I haven’t watched a ton of it, but I did enjoy it and plan on watching it straight through.
5. Armageddon/Joy Ride – A weird period in his career where he wrote us these 2 gems. Admittedly they’ve played a big role in my life. You guys ready for an Adventure?
4. Fringe – For this to be this far down, I
3. Cloverfield – Didn’t direct or write, but he basically made it happen, for which I’m eternally grateful.
2. Lost – I can’t believe I didn’t put this #1. Anyone who bags on him for this is a philistine! I’m not even sure what that means!
1. Star Trek – GODDAMNIT I love this movie! I really have a hard time finding any fault with it whatsoever. I adore every directorial decision he made. I adore the directors commentary, which I’ve listened to multiple times.

Ok, so now that I’ve waisted half my post on JJ love… let me tell you… I think he did a great job with this movie as well. The direction is one of the greatest parts of this movie. The camera work, the set design, the surprises, the cuts, the acting, the casting… So many people came together to make Super 8 a really really strong action/monster movie. And when it is a ton of little things that make a movie great, thats when you know you have a great directorial performance.

You see, its not JJ that created the monster… its the way he doesn’t quite show him til the right moment. It’s not JJ that wrote the scene (actually he did, but thats not the point), but it is him that cuts an explosion in at the precise right moment. It’s not JJ that sews the costumes together or puts the makeup on the kids, but he is the one that makes sure nothing is over the top, but is just right. The director is what makes the comedy funny by making it timely. The director is how the monster creates a scare by having a cut/jump edit at the precise right moment.

This movie is chalk full of great performances, but what I loved most were the little decisions. The real way the kids talked, the believable performances from people like Elle Fanning and Coach Taylor, the perfect choice of the kid that played Joe Lamb (Joel Courney, btw). I’m super happy that this movie didn’t disappoint me.

This movie wont go down in history as my favorite movie. Heck, I already know it wont be my favorite movie of 2011, nor my favorite JJ movie, but it was solid. It was a great summer blockbuster and I’m sure I’m going to be a fan for a long time.

Don’t tell anyone, but I’m fixin to go see the #1 movie on this list tonight. So… that leaves space for a potential NEW #1. Could it be one of these three???

X-Men: First Class

Holy Lord do i want to see this movie. I’m gonna watch the shit out of it. I’m going on Thursday midnight. I am going to lose my mind waiting for this movie. I love it. I can’t wait to see what they do. Its going to be wild. I don’t have the highest of hopes in the world, but I want to see it so bad! It’s going to #1. I give it 1000 X-Men 3’s which i only give .1, so thats 100 overall.

Super 8

Uh… just kidding with what I said above. This, in fact, is going to be my most anticipated movie. JJ Abrams last movie was Star Trek. I love Star Trek and not just for the nerd reasons… It’s… mostly because of the nerd reasons, but it’s also because of the moviemaking reasons. I love that movie and I’m almost 100% sure i’m gonna love this one too. Speilberg is a part of it too. SOLD! I give this 3 cloverfields, a Lost and a some Alias sprinkled on top.

Green Lantern

Why are all of these awesome movies coming out at once! Argh! I’m gonna watch em all SOOOOOO Much! This movie has the potential to be gawd awful, but it also has the potential to be pretty darn good. Green Lantern is such an awesome character, though little known by the general public. I probably have about 50 GL comics. Probably shouldn’t mention that and hope to get a lady, should I? Ok, i give this 4 push-ups and some abs.

19. Fast Five (Out Now!)
18. Kung Fu Panda (5/27) Ok I lied. I REALLY dont want to see Fast Five!
17. Prom (Out Now!)
16. Rio (Out Now!)
15. Something Borrowed (Out Now!)
14. Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides (5/20)
13. Water for Elephants (Out Now!)
12. Scream 4 (Out Now!)
11. The Greatest Movie Ever Sold (Out Now!)
10. Insidious (Out Now!)
9. Hanna (Out Now!)
8. The Tree of Life (5/27)
7. The Hangover 2 (5/26)
6. Priest (Out Now!)
5. Everything Must Go (Out Now!)
4. Bridesmaids (Out Now, but not on this list for long…)
3. Green Lantern (6/17)
2. X-Men: First Class (6/3)
1. Super 8 (6/10)

How about any of you? Have something you’re looking forward to? Want to go see any of these with me?