Thriller Movie Fight #3: Seven vs. Memento

Posted: July 29, 2011 in Inactive Fights, Rankings Updates
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Seven: 8.7
Memento: 8.7

Finally, we’ve got ourselves a tough one.

Memento is one of my top 5 favorite movies all time, so it’s going to be impossible for me to vote against it, especially in this genre. Don’t get my wrong. Seven is probably in my top 50 movies of all time, but Memento is one of those special movies that completely breaks the mold. It goes after something that other movies rarely attempt. It forces you to use your entire brain to piece together what is happening, while still toying with your emotions and keeping you guessing. Its such an exciting ride and completely filled with emotions. Who killed his wife?! Who!?

I have to vote for Memento, but I can’t wait to hear the arguments for why Seven is better. BRING IT PEOPLE!

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