Posts Tagged ‘Memento’

Seven: 8.7
Memento: 8.5

This is one of the best crime fights you’re going to see. Memento and Seven are very much crime movies. I tend to think Crime movies are more around the type of goodfellas and stuff like that, but I do recognize that these movies fit within the category. I love both of these movies and I’m going to have to give it to Seven. or Should I say Se7en. I think that a movie about a serial killer is far more a crime movie than a movie about a crazy brain damaged guy fixin to kill a rapist.

So, that’s my vote. how about you?

Memento: 8.7
The Departed: 8.5

It’s interesting, these two movies going up against one another. I’m not sure I would honestly call either a mystery. Both are far better as thrillers or dramas. I adore The Departed, but is there a mystery to be solved? It reveals all to the viewer right up front. The only question is will the good guy win, but that same quetion can be posed for any drama, romance, comedy, action, etc. Trying to determine if the good guy will win is not a mystery.

However, Memento DOES have a mystery; who raped and murdered Guy Pierce’s wife? I’m still not 100% sure I know who did, but the beauty is in watching the detective, in this case a dude with short term memory loss and a penchant for tattoos, try to determine the criminal. Thats a good mystery.

So, i Vote for Memento, even though its close. How about you?

To start, I suppose I should remind you of the back story here. Check this post for the idea and concept. Then check this page to see Where these posts end up.

So, I suppose we should start at the top…

1. It’s A Wonderful Life
It truly is.
It should come as no surprise to my closest friends that this is my all-time favorite movie. This list will grow and movies will shift, but this movie will always live at the top. I’ve seen this movie more than any other movie and it still gets to me every time I watch it. I guarantee I WILL cry at least once, probably twice while watching it. I can quote every line; I use quotes from it daily in my life. I use the characters as reminders of what it is to be a good person, to give of oneself without regret. There is no movie that means more to me and I seriously doubt there ever will be.

2. Memento

Memento is probably the smartest movie I have ever seen. It is not only one of the most intriguing story lines in the history of film, but it is told in such an impressive manner. The idea of telling the story backwards and forwards at the same time, intertwined, one in color, the other black and white, the story heading toward the middle… There’s never been anything like it. But it is also made amazing by a tone that is rarely perfectly struck; its sad and depressing while being thrilling and mysterious. It’s both heavy and fast paced. I love every second of it still to this day.

This movie doesn’t get an above & below, just a below, because after all, it’s second. So why is it not as good as It’s A Wonderful Life? Well, it really all comes down to emotion. I care for the characters here, but not nearly as much as IaWL. That’s not a fair fight, but sometimes it simply can’t be. Some of these will be closer than this, but this isn’t one. I call this a “distant second”.

So, this is just a base. I’ll typically be adding 2 new movies per post, since it will usually take 100 words to say why i like it and 100 to say why it’s above and below the other movies. Since I do 400 words per post, ipso facto, 2 movies. Easy right? So hopefully, by the end of the year, we’ll have my top 100 movies. Keep your fingers crossed.

Seven: 8.7
Memento: 8.7

Finally, we’ve got ourselves a tough one.

Memento is one of my top 5 favorite movies all time, so it’s going to be impossible for me to vote against it, especially in this genre. Don’t get my wrong. Seven is probably in my top 50 movies of all time, but Memento is one of those special movies that completely breaks the mold. It goes after something that other movies rarely attempt. It forces you to use your entire brain to piece together what is happening, while still toying with your emotions and keeping you guessing. Its such an exciting ride and completely filled with emotions. Who killed his wife?! Who!?

I have to vote for Memento, but I can’t wait to hear the arguments for why Seven is better. BRING IT PEOPLE!